Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Back to the USA

Well, Em and I are back at home and all is well. When we were in England, it was another world. I have been out of the country several times, but never sharing the experience with someone else, so I was in a new frame of mind. We got to England on the 30th of July, and I was not compleatly deaf, but VERY close, in both ears. This lasted for about a day, which was not too bad when compared with previous flights I have taken. We stayed at the Lancaster Hall Hotelin London the nights of the 30th and the 31st.

On the 31st we got the chance to visit the University of Greenwich, the Maritime Greenwich Campus, which is centered on the principal buildings of the Old Royal Naval College, part of a World Heritage Site on the banks of the River Thames. Henry VIII, Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth I were all born here. Go to the link below to see a pic of the grand square. (Note: The Statue is of George II)

Follow Link

The chapel was also very beautiful, and there seems to be no picture that can capture the 3-D celing that is all carved flowers. The Painted Hall is also very beautiful.

On the first of August we traveled to the Ammerdown center, just outside of Radstock, England, to go to the conference we were scheduled to speak at, Autscape, the only conference in the world to address Autistic adults. Most autism conferences will not address the needs of Autistics themselves, and of the few that do, Autscape is the only one that specifies the needs of Adults. Em and I were speaking on the subject of autism and dating. We had one principal address, which went well, and we ran two workshops on the same subject, both of which were outstanding. People were enthusiastic, and I believe we learned more from the participants than they did from us.

We got a chance to reconnect with some people we have not seen in a while, and we met some cool new people...all in all WE HAD A BLAST!!! On our way back home, we spent a few hours in Bath, and one of my favorite sights is below:

This is the Pultney bridge, which is one of three bridges of its kind in the world, with shops on both sides, foot, and car traffic. It crosses the River Avon, and is a romantic sight to stroll by.

On August 5th, just before we went to the Heathrow Airport in London, we visited the St Pancras Old Chuch, which is the Oldest sight that is still used for Christian worship in England. It is rumored to have been used since the 4th century, but the most reliable records date back to the 6th century, when St. Augustine rededicated the church. there is only an alter stone that dates back to the 6th century that remains. All the rest of the archetecture has been rebuild and/or refix afte...over the centuries. It is a merry mix of shtuff on the inside especially.

On our flight back home, a gentleman had a heart attack on the plane, colapsing at my feet, which was an exciting affair, and even more exciting was the fact that he lived. When we flew into Seattle at 5:30, leaving London just 1.5 hours before (the magic of time zones) we had to wait till 8:10 to catch a Geyhound to Portland, getting us in just after 11;00 P.M. There is a lot more that I can say, but for now, I will leave it at this. Oh...for those who are counting, there are 25 days after today till the wedding.




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