Tuesday, December 12, 2006

afternoon nap

I dreamed this afternoon (napping) in Hebrew. I was visiting a first year Hebrew class, and one student was very proficient, so I wanted to talk to him. I remember being very careful to use the correct form of 'you' and match the verb to it.
"אתה מדבר עברית בבית"
והוא אמר "קן
Well, it wasn't a long conversation, but that was cool to have a dream in Hebrew ;)
I wanted to include punctuation, but the question mark goes to the wrong end of the sentence :( so I couldn't. Oh well.
Jody suggests that I translate the dream to English:
"You speak Hebrew at home?"
and he said "yes"


Blogger Sheri said...

cool! I read the sentence and understood it before I read the translation! wow! Now from what I understand from missionaries learning a new language, when you start to dream and think in that language, you are doing very well. I surely have not made that transition-yet :-|

11:09 AM  

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