Saturday, December 02, 2006

A three Month Reflection

Hello to all. It is Saturday, 2 December 2006, and that is about three months, to the hour, since we have gotton Married, Saturday, 2 September 2006 @ 9:00 A.M. I have VERY MUCH enjoyed married life, and have learned SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH about how to relate with people, how people function, and the like. In some ways it has been much easier than I imagined, and in some ways much harder. Despite the trials that Em and I have been going through with finances and health, I would rather have my marriage than live one more day as a single man. For all you single folk out there deciding whether or not you are called to the vocation of marriage, keep in mind the sacramental nature of the institution before you take the plunge and the bumps should work out. Marriage is for life...although, no one goes into it to get divorced.

Also, for those who are not familiar with some of the paperwork involved, whether you are single, or reside in another country, here are a few of the certifications we obtained. This one comes from the Catholic Church we celebrated in. This is necessary, for example, if I decide to be ordained to the Married Deaconate. One has to be married first, along with having the three Sacraments of initiation: Baptism (which can be done by any Christian authority, Catholic or not), first Eucharist, and Confirmation. Here is the Church cirtificate of marriage we obtained:

This next certificate is a cerimonial one that is given by the state you were married in. in the United States, one needs to have a legally recognized officiator
from the state you are haveing the ceremony in sign a document that says you are married. Only than will your marriage be legal in the syes of the state and/or nation. Most major religious denominations (Their leadership) have recognized authority in all 50 states. When one state recognizes a marriage, all states have to recognize it, even if they will not recognize a marriage performed under that right within their municipality. The possible exception is Gay marriage, in which several states have amended their constitutions to omit such possible recognition, even if a state decides to uphold gay marriage. (Even Massachutes struck down gay marriage in favor of domestic registery) So, anyhue, you need state recognition, first and foremost in this country, and they give you a pretty certificate for your walls. Here is our State of Oregon certificate:

Now, the pretty certificate from the state carries no legal value, it is only the certified copy of the licence request that has any authority, especially if you wish to change your name and/or get a new social security number. Here is our certified copy:

and on the back of the copy is the signature and seal form the Notary Public authenticating this document as a true copy of the original on file:

So, a taste of what is to come for all you singles out there, and a little about American mariages for all of our buddies from afar. There is much more to it than what I shared, which makes it all so silly, but every country has their silliness. Here is one piece of ours. For those of y'all who are Christians, please keep us in Prayer regarding health and finding, getting, and keeping a job, and if any of y'all have a prayer need, please do not hesitate to ask.


From the Husband


Blogger Unknown said...

You do realize your license is effective on or after the 22nd and you got married on the 19th. Did that work out ok?

4:01 PM  

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