Thursday, September 21, 2006

Wedding Pics from Nancy

Hello humans. Jody said he would post more wedding pics as soon as someone else sent us some, and behold, we have pics from a second person, one of the many nice people named Nancy that were at the wedding. Even my mother is a Nancy. :-) This of course is only a sample, because I would like to post pics taken form at least seven of the folk who were flashing us. For those who need comentary on the pic, above, I was sitting on Emilia's lap at the reception.

Pictured above is a candid group shot of the reception.

Here is a candid dancy photo, also taken at the reception. Now, I am going to shift gears just a bit and throw in a couple of photos taken by me, when Emilia and I got home from the Honeymoon three days later. actually, the next two pics were taken the day after that.

Here is a pic taken at our home in the morning. This is looking out our front window. You are seeing what we see every day, or will be seeing every day until we move on October 11th. Those of you who are willing to help us move, we would greatly appreciate it. Give us a call Please. Well, it seems the computer is not allowing me to post photos anymore, so I will have to end this here. More later...?

Jody John Ramey


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