Monday, August 28, 2006

spider solitaire and phone book mishap

Well, I haven't written in a while, and that is because I have been busy, or because I have been playing spider solitaire on the computor instead of playing on the internet on the computor. I actually have been fairly busy. The current project is to get all the stuff moved from Jody's storage unit put away (or at least mostly away) before I have six people arrive for the wedding.
What else? Well, Jody's phone book disapeared, so he is looking for ways to get in touch with people before the wedding. Which is on saturday of this week. At 9 am. Rehersal will be friday night at 6pm (for any of those out there in the wedding party that may not know exactly what is going on) And hopefully, if you are reading this, and are in the wedding party, you will get in touch with Jody.


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