Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!!!

Welcome to the first day of 2007!!!! :-) People usually come up with New Year's resolutions that they never keep, get depressed about this fact, than do this again the next year. The health clubs love it, as they oversell their memberships and than in febuary loose half the people that paid dues the previous month. (eliminating the need to expand facilities) Why am I saying all of this? Simple. I am going to make some resolutions for the Ramey home, and keep them, to show that it is possible, with the right approach. I will even write resolution update reports to demonstrate progress.

Resolution One: The Ramey home will figure out the employment issue that has gat hold upon us, and start generating income!!!

Resolution Two: The Ramey's will start a TheaterDance company, generate funds from this endeavor, performing in multiple venues, and in multiple countries, physically or virtually.

Resolution three: The Ramey's will travel to at least one country this year, paid for by someone else, for a purpose that is leagal, ethical, and moral.

There you have it, three resolutions that will recieve at least one monthly update till they are complete, and will be complete before December 31 2007. here is a New Year's song for you, if you feel like following a link. Flap at y'all later.



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