A wedding blog

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Team Ramey Updates (Graduation, Austalia, and Antarctica)

Uncontained Nuts is a tap team in McMurdo station, Antarctica. There is a wide variety of activity in the off hours amongst those who are deployed in Antarctica. Some paint, some play instruments, and some dance. It is not all science down south.

Okay, enough frivolity. Here is the news. Emilia is graduating winter, and not in spring. March is the last month of undergraduate education. Yippeeeeeee! The husband is so proud of her. :-) Don't tell her I said that. ;-) Emilia was going to take the last term of third-year Hebrew in the spring, but they canceled it, and since all of her requirements are done, why not graduate now?

On to the together news. Emilia and I are ramping up for an international excursion. We have a presentation in Gold Coast Australia 11 P.M. on March 14th (Pacific Standard Time-Not Australia time) and six P.M. (Also Pacific Standard time) on the 15th. This is for the Biennial Australian National Autism Conference. Our 11 P.M. presentation is on dating, and our 6 P.M. presentation is on computer-mediated inclusive theater. Emilia will present from Australia, and I will be presenting from home in Vancouver, WA. USA for the dating presentation, and presenting from Portland State University for the theater presentation. We will be using internet videoconferenceing and google chat. In the dating presentation we are going to talk about using what works for you, thinking outside the box, and how to apply this in a society that devalues disabled people at all levels (including romantic) and in the theater presentation, we are going to teach a few excercises to conference participants on both sides of the pacfic, do a "mini performance" and talk about the aplications of computer technology in light of expanding artistic posibilities, and inclusivity for people with and without disabilities. (For example, some one has chemical sensitivities in one room, and another person has to wear topical medication that is detrimental to the MCS gentleman in the first room. They can still dance together via internet videoconferencing, without a major encumberance of wearing oxygen and/or filter masks.

We will give more details on our activities as we progress into our beta test mode. For now, if you have not watched the tap video, do so, and dream of the posibilities of hanging out in Antarctica. Here is a tour of the South Pole Station:

Peace Out

Jody John Ramey

Thursday, February 08, 2007

100th post!!! Watch the movies!!!!

I have made the 100th post on the marriage blog!!! Woo Hoo!!!! Okay, who cares. I told Emilia that I would try and put some good news on the blog, to avoid this blog from being a sounding blog to the world about the scary activities that the criminals in the executive and the Legislative branches of the U.S. government are engaging in, but this is such a good report that I felt it needed some broadcasting. (Sorry Hun.) This covers Blackwater, the mercenary organization that is revolutionizing warfare in this country. The video is in two parts, each part about seven minutes. Happy watching.

Part One:

Part Two:

And for those who want a little civics lesson...

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Ramey Update

Well, y'all probably know we are flying out this friday, 8:15 A.M., on Horizon Air. We are flying standby, so there is a chance that we will be camping at the Airport, but so far the numbers on the flight look good, so we should be lock and load. My next interview is at Portland State University, for an office assistant position, and we still have a roof o're our heads, so life is good. I am excited about our trip, and what comes of it.

For those of y'all who have not been keeping up on the national news: I leave you with a few clips. Some of them are harsh, but no matter what your view is, they comtain some facts that should not be ignored...

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Soon to depart

Hello and happy sunday. We are soon to depart for the lovely town of Granada Hills CA. to visit Emilia's Grandparents (Flying out Friday morning). We are very excited about this. Emilia's parents will be there, a couple of uncles, and maybe a cousin or two. AS for the home front, still no job, and we have some minor health issues brewing. Emilia's Excema is flaring up, and I have been loosing conciousness frequently. I have been told by others that I am having siezures, and should get them checked out. Unfortunatly, I have not found someone who will check them out on our budget (no insurance or money). So, for you Chistian folk out there, we ask for prayer on these issues, being that, without job, we cannot pay rent, and if it is a brain tumer causing the seizures...hopefully it is just epilepsy due to the head injury I had a few years ago. On a brighter note, here is another video clip that is a takeoff of Hard Rock Hallelujah, by Lordi. This is Hard Ratz Hallelujah.

and for those who like music that is more melodic and popish, here is a Lordi song that both Emilia and I like, Would You Love a Monsterman:

Hope you enjoy a little Finnish Heavy Metal.

Peace out,
